
  • Ayyaz Ahmed
  • Mahvash Khan
  • Zeeshan Ahmed Qureshi
  • Arif Siddiqui




ECG, puzzles, quizzes, questionnaire


Background: The students learn effectively well with active learning strategies as compared to traditional approach. The objective of present study was to evaluate the effect on learning outcome of post lecture puzzles. Method: This study was carried out on 1st year medical students. Initially a lecture on ECG was given. At the end of lecture, assessment of students was done. On the second day whole class was divided into 6 groups, each group comprising of 12–15 students. Each group was provided with an illustration of ECG waves, cardiac vectors, and ECG leads, and were asked to recognize and label those with chips. At the end of this puzzle, assessment of students was carried out by fill-in-the-blank questions. At the end students’ feedback was taken. Results: For ECG, pre puzzle and post puzzle scores of participants were 5.23±2.06 and 6.70±2.27 out of 10 respectively. In feedback 79.5% expressed that it was useful for their better comprehension, 9.6% said that it was necessary and 10.89% students responded that this activity was not necessary but was useful. The passing percentage of Islamic International Medical College improved by 23.1%. Conclusion: Post lectures puzzles can lead to better learning outcome. It was well appreciated by the students.


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How to Cite

Ahmed A, Khan M, Qureshi ZA, Siddiqui A. LEARNING OF ECG WITH PUZZLES. Pak J Phsyiol [Internet]. 2018 Aug. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];14(3):56-9. Available from: https://pjp.pps.org.pk/index.php/PJP/article/view/908