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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has neither been previously published, nor is it before any other journal for consideration.
  • The manuscript is composed of a SINGLE Microsoft Word file without author identifiers (names of authors or any other clue which may disclose identity of authors to peer reviewers).
    The TITLE of the manuscript is written at the top of the first page. The tables and figures are placed at appropriate places WITHIN the text instead of putting them at the end. The text is SINGLE-SPACED, single column in Times New Roman fonts, 10-point font size.
  • The manuscript is on the format given in 'Information to Authors' and the references are in Vancouver style with citation numbers as superscript in the manuscript.
  • Title page has been prepared in accordance with the specimen given on PJP website. (Download Specimen of Title Page from )
  • Undertaking certificate has been duly signed by all authors and Corresponding Author has been clearly mentioned (sequence of authors will not be changed and authors will neither be added nor deleted once the manuscript is submitted to PJP).
  • Approval letter of Institutional Review Board (IRB)/Ethical Review Committee (ERC) has been attached.
  • The word count of the manuscript is not more than 2,500 (Original Article) and 3,500 (Review Article) excluding abstract and references. The word count of abstract is not more than 250. The number of tables and/or figures is not more than 5. The number of references is not more than 30 (Original Article) and 50 (Review Article).
  • Processing fee of Pak Rupees 2,000 (US$ 20 for overseas) has been remitted in the following bank account Online or as a Banker's Cheque/Demand Draft. (Bearer or Crossed Cheques will NOT be accepted and may cause Declination)
    Title of Account: Pakistan Journal of Physiology
    Ayub Medical College Branch (1320), Abbottabad, Pakistan
    Account No: 13200101001930, Bank: MCB BANK LTD
    IBAN: PK04 MUCB 0175 7781 3100 1930
    Original bank draft to be mailed at the following address:
    Editor PJP, C/O JAMC,
    Ayub Medical College,
    1.Title page will be uploaded as a SEPARATE file in 'Upload Submission' section (MUST NOT be merged within the article text file).
    2. A scanned copy of the ‘Bank Draft/Deposit Receipt for online transfer’, and the 'Dispatch Receipt' from the Post Office/Courier if the Bank Draft is dispatched to PJP, will be uploaded in 'Upload Submission' section.
    3. While making submission, all authors (contributors) MUST be added into the system in pre-decided sequence along with institutional affiliation of each contributor.
    4. Each keyword MUST be added separately one by one followed by a [ENTER] instead of 'copy/pasting' all key words simultaneously.
  • FIVE/SIX files to be uploaded in ‘Upload Submission’ section:
    1. Title page describing name, official designation, contact No., and Email of each author separately and in sequence. (Download Specimen of Title Page from )
    2. Article text file
    3. Undertaking
    4. IRB/ERC approval letter
    5. Copy of bank draft for Processing fee/Receipt of online transfer
    6. And the Dispatch Receipt from the Post Office/Courier if the bank draft is dispatched to PJP

    Please do not forget to upload the Metadata for each author individually and completely as desired to be finally published!
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: If any of the items in the checklist are found missing/not adhered to, the submission will be DECLINED automatically by the system. No claims of refund or delay in process will be entertained under such situation!

Author Guidelines

Before making submission, please read submission process step by step and above checklist carefully and follow the instruction; this will save your time and efforts. Detailed guidelines for authors are available HERE. However, following important points should be kept in mind while making a submission.
Authors are requested to prepare the manuscripts according to the 'reporting guidelines' for different studies available at 'Equator Network'. A webinar conducted jointly by Pakistan Physiological Society and Pakistan Medical Association will be helpful for the authors to write their article in a better way. The webinar is available HERE!

Pakistan Journal of Physiology publishes scholarly work from medical and allied subjects (all basic medical sciences and related clinical subjects) including medical education as well as from biological, biomedical, and social sciences. All submissions are online through journal management system (journal website). Pakistan Journal of Physiology does not publish simple descriptive and KAP (knowledge, attitude, practice) studies. If in doubt about nature of the study, authors are requested to contact the editor before making the submission. All authors and co-authors must provide details such as their full names, designation, mailing address, telephone/cell numbers and email addresses on undertaking certificate (author certificate). The undertaking certificate will be signed by all the authors and the sequence/order of authors on the certificate once submitted shall not be changed at any stage. Undertaking certificate can be downloaded by clicking HERE. It is mandatory to provide approval letter of institutional review board/ethical review committee or exemption thereof with all the research articles. Dissertation/thesis approval letter from relevant authority is also acceptable. Please do not state the author's name, affiliation or contact details anywhere on the manuscript. Such details should only be provided on undertaking certificate, title page and in designated fields while submitting the manuscript through online journal system. The peer review process at the PJP is double-blind and the author details are not shared with the peer reviewers within the manuscript or by any other means.
General instructions
The manuscript should be composed of a single Microsoft Word file with tables and figures placed at appropriate places within the text instead of putting at the end. The text should be single-spaced, single column with Arial or Times New Roman font style and 12-point font size. Manuscripts should be written in English in British or American style/format (same style should be followed throughout the whole text), in past tense and third person form of address. Sentences should not start with a number or abbreviation. Give appropriate titles/legends above the tables and below the figures. Do not duplicate the results in tables/figures and text, however, do quote all the tables and figures in text. Explain all the nonstandard abbreviations used in tables in footnotes. Please do mention percentage with frequency and vice versa. Always mention standard deviation with mean and interquartile range with median. Never write p-value equal to 0.000, such p-values can be mentioned as <0.001. Be consistent with decimal points, PJP follows numbers with 2 decimal points like 0.07 instead of 0.071. Please do not repeat results or introduction in the discussion, however, main results may be summarized at the beginning. Never use contractions like didn't, can't etc. and slang or informal language in academic writing. Use the full form of an abbreviation initially in the text before using the abbreviated form. Avoid capitalization except where it is grammatically required and for proper nouns. Inappropriately long or short sentences should be avoided.
Title Page
In addition to having title of the manuscript at the top, the title page should also include complete name, designation, postal address, office/mobile phone numbers and email address of all the authors. The corresponding author should be clearly mentioned. Information regarding word count of abstract, word count of the body of the manuscript, number of tables and figures, number of references, declaration of conflict of interest, grant support and financial disclosure should also be given on the title page. The title page should be uploaded as a separate file and should not be merged as the first page of the article file. Please do not state the author's name, affiliation or contact details anywhere on the manuscript. Such details should only be provided through online journal system in designated fields or on the undertaking certificate/title page. Pakistan Journal of Physiology follows double-blind peer review process and the author details are not shared with the peer reviewers within the manuscript or by any other means. The specimen of title page can be downloaded by clicking HERE.

Length of the manuscript
The word count of original article should not exceed 2,500 words excluding abstract and references. It should contain a structured abstract of not more than 250 words. Three to 10 keywords should be given from MeSH (Medical Subject Headings). There should not be more than 4 tables and/or figures. The number of references should not exceed 30. Fifty percent references should be from last five years from the date of submission. The length of a review article should not be more than 3,500 words with maximum 50 references. It should have non-structured abstract of 150 words with 3 to 10 keywords. 

Undertaking certificate

Specimen of title page

Original Article

  1. The article must comply with the Guidelines for authors.
  2. The work submitted must be original and carried out by the Autor(s).
  3. The copyrights must be transferred to PJP on publication.
  4. The articles must be written in the prescribed format.
  5. The word count for abstract must not exceed 250 words and 2500 words for the article excluding references.


  1. The editorial must be according to the policies laid out in the authors guidelines. 
  2. It must not be against governmental or Society point of view.
  3. Ethical considerations must be kept in view. 
  4. Should not be directed at any person / organization in particular. 

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in OJS of Pakistan Journal of Physiology will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.