
  • Sarmud Latif Awan AJK Medical College, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Arshad Abbasi AJK Medical College, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan.
  • Mohsin Shakil AJK Medical College, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Ayub AJK Medical College, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan.



Haemorrhoids, Sclerotherapy, Band Ligation, Bleeding, Pain


Background: For first and second degree haemorrhoids, the preferred outpatient treatments are injection sclerotherapy or rubber band ligation of the haemorrhoids. The aims of this study were to compare postoperative pain, postoperative and delayed bleeding after injection sclerotherapy and rubber band ligation of first and second degree haemorrhoids. Methods: From January 2016 to January 2017, 60 patients were alternately allocated to undergo either injection sclerotherapy (group A) or rubber band ligation of the haemorrhoids (group B). Pain sores, and frequency of early and delayed per-rectal bleeding were compared between the two groups. Results: Postoperative pain was present in 9 patients (30%) in sclerotherapy group and 15 patients (50%) in rubber band ligation group. Per-rectal bleeding was more common in rubber band ligation group (56% vs 26%; p=0.018). Delayed bleeding was more common in rubber band ligation group (30% vs. 3%; p=0.0006). Conclusion: Injection sclerotherapy of first and second degree haemorrhoids is associated with fewer complaints of pain and per-rectal bleeding, both early and delayed.

Keywords: Haemorrhoids, sclerotherapy, rubber band ligation, pain, bleeding

Pak J Physiol 2017;13(2):15–8


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Author Biographies

Sarmud Latif Awan, AJK Medical College, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan.

Department of Surgery, AJK Medical College, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan.

Muhammad Arshad Abbasi, AJK Medical College, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan.

Department of Gasteroenterology, AJK Medical College, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan.

Mohsin Shakil, AJK Medical College, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan.

Department of Urology, AJK Medical College, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan.

Muhammad Ayub, AJK Medical College, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan.

Department of Physiology, AJK Medical College, Muzaffarabad-13100, Pakistan.


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How to Cite

Awan SL, Abbasi MA, Shakil M, Ayub M. COMPARISON BETWEEN INJECTION SCLEROTHERAPY AND RUBBER BAND LIGATION FOR FIRST AND SECOND DEGREE HAEMORRHOIDS. Pak J Phsyiol [Internet]. 2017 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];13(2):15-8. Available from: