
  • Nida Lathiya Department of Physiology, Baqai Medical University, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Sikandar Ali Sheikh Department of Physiology, Baqai Medical University, Karachi, Pakistan




Creatine Kinase (CK), Body Mass Index (BMI), Exercise, Treadmill


Background: Creatine Kinase (CK) forms abundant ATP for muscular activity. High CK is an important indicator of muscle damage. The aim of this study was to evaluate the exercise induced changes in serum CK level in adults. Method: Two hundred healthy subjects in age range 18–24 years were selected. With their consent, demographic data was recorded and participants’ 3 ml blood was drawn before exercise. Each was then subjected to run 3 Km on a Treadmill. Three millilitre blood was drawn after 4 hours of exercise for post-exercise serum CK level. Serum CK levels were run on a spectrophotometer using the reagent of CK-Nac (Spinreact®, Spain). Data were analysed on SPSS-20. Results: In females aged <20 years having BMI of 20.357±3.550 Kg/m2 the mean pre- and post-exercise CK levels were 52.45±9.27 and 92.09±11.12 (U/L) respectively; and in females aged ≥20 years having BMI of 20.041±3.116 Kg/m2 it was 52.33±7.73 (U/L) and 96.0±11.51 respectively. In males aged <20 years having BMI of 20.413±3.690 Kg/m2, the mean pre- and post-exercising CK levels were 93.04±22.44 and 144.56±22.50 (U/L) respectively; and in males aged ≥20 years having BMI of 22.52±4.042 Kg/m2, it was 104.03±20.34 and 147.27±18.70 (U/L) respectively. Conclusion: There were significant differences between pre- and post-exercise CK in two genders. The most profound factor which implements this change is age, gender and body mass index among the two age groups of both genders.

Pak J Physiol 2016;12(1):38–41


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How to Cite

Lathiya N, Sheikh SA. EXERCISE INDUCED RELEASE OF CREATINE KINASE IN NORMAL ADULTS. Pak J Phsyiol [Internet]. 2016 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];12(1):38-41. Available from: https://pjp.pps.org.pk/index.php/PJP/article/view/426