
  • Muhammad Ishaq Department of Physiology, North West School of Medicine, Peshawar
  • Ghulam Jillani Khan Khyber Medical College, Peshawar
  • Sibgha Zulfiqar Shaikh Zayed, Federal Postgraduate Medical Institute, Lahore, Pakistan



Intermittent Claudication, Peripheral Neuropathies, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, T2DM


Background: Intermittent claudication (IC), mainly attributable to peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is the experiencing of pain in legs, especially calf muscles, during walking. Diabetic peripheral neuropathies (DPN) are the commonest sequelae of diabetes mellitus. DPN affect up to 50% of patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Neuropathies usually represent as numbness, tingling, pain, and weakness etc. The purpose of this study was to see the complications in type 2 diabetics. Methods: The study was conducted at Shaikh Zayed Federal Postgraduate Medical Institute, Lahore. A total of 150 patients, (age ≥40) with type 2 diabetes mellitus, were selected from the Diabetic Clinic, Cardiology Unit, and Biochemistry Department of the Institute. The subjects were divided into uncomplicated and complicated groups. Blood pressure, Ankle Brachial Index, Body Mass Index and neurological symptoms of each patient were recorded. The ‘Edinburgh Claudication Questionnaire’ was used to assess intermittent claudication. The urine of each patient was tested for microalbuminuria to label him as complicated type 2 diabetic or otherwise. The data were analysed on SPSS-16. Results: In both groups about 8% individuals experienced generalised pain, and 3% felt numbness. Tingling sensations in the uncomplicated group were experienced by none, but 2.7% of the individuals in the complicated group complained about the ailment. No one was suffering from intermittent claudication in the uncomplicated group, but 6.7% of the individuals in the complicated group reported the problem and the differences between the groups were significant statistically (p<0.05). Conclusion: The complications in type 2 diabetics are more compared to uncomplicated type 2 diabetics.

Pak J Physiol 2016;12(1):3–5


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How to Cite

Ishaq M, Khan GJ, Zulfiqar S. INTERMITTENT CLAUDICATION IN TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS PATIENTS. Pak J Phsyiol [Internet]. 2016 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];12(1):3-5. Available from: