
  • Nauman Ismat Butt Azra Naheed Medical College, Superior University Lahore Pakistan
  • Muhammad Bilal Rasheed Azra Naheed Medical College, Superior University Lahore Pakistan
  • Muhammad Sohail Ajmal Ghoauri Bahawal Victoria Hospital, Quaid-e-Azam Medical College Bahawalpur Pakistan
  • Faizan Ali Khan Azra Naheed Medical College, Superior University Lahore Pakistan
  • Fahmina Ashfaq Jinnah Hospital, Allama Iqbal Medical College Lahore Pakistan
  • Aniqa Anser Azra Naheed Medical College, Superior University Lahore Pakistan



Rheumatoid Arthritis, DAS-28 Score, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tinel Sign, Phalen Sign


Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an auto-immune inflammatory arthritis globally affecting 1% of the population. This study was conducted to see prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome in patients of RA and its association with disease severity. Methods: One-hundred-fifty-four patients aged 21?80 years, of both gender, with RA were enrolled using non-probability consecutive sampling technique. Patients were divided into two groups of 77 each: active disease group (DAS-28 score >3.2) and LDA/remission group (DAS-28 score ?3.2). RA was defined according to the 2010 ACR Diagnostic Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Disease severity of RA was determined according to DAS-28 score. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) was diagnosed clinically by specific symptoms and clinical signs. Data were analysed using SPSS-25. Results: Mean age of the patients was 43.6±13.7 years, 102 (66.3%) were female. Mean disease duration was 8.3±6.1 years, and mean DAS-28 score was 4.3±2.1. RA factor was positive in 98 (63.7%) and Anti-CCP antibody in 79 (51.3%). CTS was present in 49 (31.8%) patients. On stratification, CTS was seen in 32 (41.5%) patients with active disease compared with 17 (22.1%) patients with LDA/remission. No statistical association of CTS was seen with age, gender, disease duration, RA factor positivity, Anti-CCP antibody positivity and disease severity. Conclusion: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome was seen in about one-third patients with RA but no statistically significant association was seen with age, gender, disease duration, RA factor or Anti-CCP positivity and disease activity.

Pak J Physiol 2023;19(4):32–5


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How to Cite

Butt NI, Rasheed MB, Ghoauri MSA, Khan FA, Ashfaq F, Anser A. PREVALENCE OF CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME IN PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS AND ITS ASSOCIATION WITH DISEASE SEVERITY. Pak J Phsyiol [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];19(4):32-5. Available from: