Association of headache and other attributes to duration of wearing face mask during pandemic COVID -19
COVID 19, corona virus, face mask, durationAbstract
Background: Capability of performing work proficiently declines while wearing face mask when related to the while not wearing the mask. Time edge that an activity can be continued is diminished after wearing face masks. This study designed to determine the association of headache with duration of wearing face mask during the pandemic COVID 19. Methodology: This cross-sectional comparative research study conducted by Physiology and Medicine departments, Indus medical college, Tando Muhammad Khan from 07 April 2020 to 07 October 2020. Health care and non health care professionals wearing face mask included and those, not using facemask, have respiratory or neurological dysfunction or migraine or any disorder or infection causing headache not included. Data entered and analyzed by IBM SPSS version 20. Result: Mean age of study population (n=126) was 40.96±7.31 years and among them 68(54.0%) and 58(46.0%) were health and non-health professionals respectively and 94(74.6%) found to be wearing facemask for ?6 hours and 32(25.4%) for <6 hours. Among study population (n=126), frequency (%) of headache among those wearing face mask for ? 6 hours was 77(81.9%). Frequency of other complaints among face mask users compared with duration of wearing face mask. Among those wearing face mask for ?6 hours, frequency % of hard of hearing, anxiety, palpitation, difficulty breathing, mental fatigue, halitosis and glass fog was 4 (3.2%), 11(8.7%), 6(4.8%), 16(12.7%), 28(22.2%) and 12(9.5%) respectively. Conclusion: There is significant positive association of headache with wearing face mask for longer duration and mostly affected were the health professionals.
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