Evaluation of treatment outcomes and adverse effects of drug resistant tuberculosis patients at Larkana and Sukkur tuberculosis centres
Drug resistant tuberculosis, MDR-TB, Adverse reaction, Outcome, WHO, NTP, PMDT, Sukkar, Larkana, PakistanAbstract
Background: Anti-tuberculosis drug resistant is a major public health problem worldwide. It arises due to improper use of anti-tuberculous drugs in susceptible TB patients. The objectives of this study were to evaluate treatment outcomes and adverse effects of drug resistant tuberculosis patients. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in two Programmatic Management of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (PMDT) sites of Sukkur and Larkana. The sociodemographic data was obtained by a set of questionnaire following WHO guidelines. Adverse drug effects and treatment outcome data was gathered from their medical files. Results: Of a total 938 patients, 535 (57.1%) were male and 403 (42.9%) were female. Their mean age was 35.95±14.4 years in Sukkur and 35.46±11 years in Larkana. Married patients were 69%, illiterate were 46.3%, farmers 36.8%, lower class 60.4%, and rural were 68.8% patients. Previously treated cases were 83%. The MDR-TB cases were 82.8%. Diabetes mellitus as co-morbidity was 11.2%, and 41.3% were smokers. The adverse effects developed in 68.4% patients. Overall successful treatment outcome rate was 53.9%. Conclusion: Treatment outcome of drug resistant TB patients was quite low, and 68.4% patients developed adverse effects. Artharlgia was the most common adverse effect.
Pak J Physiol 2020;16(2):17?20
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