Association of serum resistin with lipids in hypertensives and coronary artery disease patients
Resistin, Hypertension, HTN, Coronary artery disease, Lipid profile, DecreaseAbstract
Background: Resistin, an adipocytokine was initially discovered in rodents as a regulator of lipidogenesis but now different clinical researches have proved its controversial role in inflammation also. Resistin is found to be involved in processes leading to atherosclerotic changes and ultimately to hypertension (HTN) and coronary artery disease. The present study was designed to observe the association of serum resistin with lipid levels in patients of hypertension and coronary artery disease. Methodology: Eighty participants in four groups of equal number were selected including normal blood pressure, newly diagnosed cases of hypertension, hypertensive patients having myocardial infarction and angina pectoris respectively. After consent, history taking and general physical examination of the subjects (to rule out any ongoing disease process), their fasting blood samples were collected. Serum resistin was determined by using standard technique of enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, while lipid parameters were estimated by kits based on enzymatic methods. Results: The collected data were analyzed using SPSS-17. The values (mean±SD) of serum resistin, triglycerides and low-density lipoproteins were found progressively and significantly increased while serum high-density lipoproteins were significantly decreased in study groups with increased severity of disease. Conclusions: Serum levels of resistin, triglycerides and LDL are significantly raised while serum HDL levels are significantly lowered in patients of hypertension and coronary artery disease.
Pak J Physiol 2019;15(3):6?9
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