Fees and Subscription

Processing/Publication Fees:
A non-refundable processing fee of Pak Rupees 2,000 (US$ 20 for overseas) will be charged at the time of manuscript submission. Submission of processing fees does not guarantee acceptance of a manuscript. Once the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors are required to pay publication charges as under:
Pakistani Rupees 15,000 (US$ 150 for overseas) for 3 printed pages. For each additional or colour page Pakistani Rupees 1,000 (US$ 10 for overseas) will be charged. Details about fee submission process are available in submission checklist.

Printed Copy:
One complimentary copy of the relevant issue of PJP will be supplied to the correspondence author. Authors can request additional copies at the prescribed rate of Rs. 2,000 per copy (US$ 30 for overseas) per copy for overseas. Payment for additional copies should be added in the publication charges. The fees include the handling and courier charges.

Subscription Fee:
Pak Rs. 2,000 per copy or Pak Rs. 8,000 (US$ 120 for overseas, inclusive of packing and postage) per anum (4 issues in a year). If an institution acquires subscription for 3 years then any subsequent rise in subscription rates will not apply for the subscription period. Foreign subscription is offered only on annual basis.